
Need training, information, educational tools? Visit the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center’s website.

The mission of the University of Montana’s Wilderness Institute is to further the understanding of wilderness and wild lands stewardship through education, research and service.

The Society for Wilderness Steward is a community of practice consisting of members who want to contribute to the preservation of wilderness. Effective wilderness stewardship requires professionalism and the Society is the only organization working exclusively to advance the professional practice of wilderness stewardship.

The mission of the National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance is to develop a growing network of volunteer-based organizations to provide stewardship for America's enduring resource of wilderness.

The Wilderness Society is the leading American conservation organization working to protect our nation’s shared wildlands.

Wilderness Watch is America’s leading organization dedicated to defending and keeping wild the nation’s 110 million-acre National Wilderness Preservation System.

As the heart of the global wilderness community for over 40 years, the WILD Foundation protects wilderness while meeting the needs of human communities, working across cultures and boundaries by collaborating with local peoples, organizations, the private sector, and governments to create dynamic practical projects, inspiring solutions and communications initiatives.