
This list only includes publications that are generally available to the interested reader, such as scientific journals and book chapters, that provide quantitative estimates of US wilderness economic values and benefits.  We do not  include information included in internal reports and other documents that may be difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.  The listing is in alphabetical order and includes the specific wilderness area study, when relevant.

Barrick, K. and R. Beazley. 1990.  Magnitude and Distribution of Option Value for the Washakie Wilderness, Northwest Wyoming. Environmental Management 14: 367-380.

            Wilderness AreaWashakie (WY)

Bowker, J.M., H.K. Cordell and N.C. Poudyal.  2014.  Valuing values: a history of wilderness economics.  International Journal of Wilderness 20(2): 26-33.

            Wilderness Areas: Summary of multiple wilderness studies

Bowker, J.M., J. Harvard III, J. Bergstrom, H.K. Cordell, D. English and J. Loomis.  2005. The Net Economic Value of Wilderness. In H.K. Cordell, J. Bergstrom and J.Bowker. The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing Inc., State College, PA.

            Wilderness AreasSummary of multiple wilderness studies

Diamond, P., J. Hausman, G. Leonard, M. Denning.  1993.  Does contingent valuation measure preferences? Experimental evidence. In J.A. Hausman, Ed. Contingent Valuation: A Critical Assessment (pp 41-89). North Holland, Amsterdam, NY.

            Wilderness Areas: Selway Bitterroot (MT), Washakie (WY), Bob Marshall (MT)

Duffy-Deno, K.  (1997). The effect of federal wilderness on county growth in the Intermountain Western United States, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 38 (1). 

            Wilderness Areas: 250 non-urban counties in the intermountain west..

Englin, J., R. Mendelsohn.  1991.  A hedonic travel cost analysis for valuation of multiple components of site quality: the recreation value of forest management.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 21: 275-290.

Wilderness Areas: Glacier Peak (WA), Goat Rocks (WA), Mount Adams (WA) and Pasayten (WA)

Englin, J., J. Shonkwiler.  1995.  Estimating social welfare using count data models.  Review of Economics and Statistics 77(1): 15-112.

Wilderness Areas: Alpine Lakes (WA), Glacier Peak (WA), Goat Rocks (WA), Mount Adams (WA), Mount Rainier (WA) and Pasayten (WA)

Englin, J., T.P. Holmes, J. Lutz.  2008.  Wildfire and the economic value of recreation.  In T.P. Holmes, J.P. Prestemon, K.L. Abt (eds.), The economics of forest disturbances.  Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Wilderness AreasAnsel Adams (CA), Golden Trout (CA), Hoover (CA), Lassen Volcanic (OR), Sequoia-Kings Canyon (CA) and Yosemite (CA)

Gilbert, A., R.Glass, R. More. 1992. Valuation of eastern wilderness. In Payne, C. , J. Bowker and P. Reed., compilers. Economic Value of Wilderness. GTR SE-78. Athens, GA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Experiment Station: 57-70.

            Wilderness AreaLye Brook (VT)

Halstead J, Lindsay BE, Brown CM.  1991.  Use of the TOBIT model in contingent valuation: experimental evidence from Pemigewasset Wilderness Area.  Journal of Environmental Management 33: 79-89.

            Wilderness Area: Pemigewasset (NH)

Hellerstein DM.  1991.  Using count data models in travel cost analysis with aggregate data.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73(3): 860-866. 

            Wilderness AreaBoundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (MN)

Holmes, F. P., & Hecox, W. E. (2004). Does wilderness impoverish rural regions? International Journal of Wilderness, 10(3), 34-39.

            Wilderness Areas113 rural counties in the American West

Holmes TP, Bowker JM, Englin J, Hjerpe E, Loomis JB, Phillips S, Richardson R.  2015.  A synthesis of the economic values of wilderness.  Journal of Forestry

            Wilderness Areas: Summary of multiple wilderness area studies

Keith, J., & Fawson, C. 1995. Economic development in rural Utah: is wilderness recreation the answer? The Annals of Regional Science29(3), 303-313.

Wilderness Areas: Box-Death Hallow (UT), Dark Canyon (UT, Grand Gulch (UT), Paria Canyon(UT) and other wilderness study areas (UT)

Keith, J., C. Fawson, and V. Johnson. 1996. Preservation or use: a contingent valuation study of wilderness designation in Utah. Ecological Economics 18(3): 207-214.

            Wilderness Areas: Multiple wilderness areas (UT)

Krutilla, J.V., A.C. Fisher.  1975.  The economics of natural environments: studies in the valuation of commodity and amenity resources.  Resources for the Future, Washington D.C.   

            Wilderness AreasHells Canyon (ID, OR), White Clouds (ID)

Leuschner WA, Cook PS, Roggenbuck JW, Oderwald RG.  1987.  A comparative analysis for wilderness user fee policy.  Journal of Leisure Research 19(2) 101-114. 

            Wilderness Area

Loomis, J. B., & Richardson, R. (2001). Economic values of the US wilderness system. International Journal of Wilderness, 7(1), 31-34.

            Wilderness Areas: Summary of multiple wilderness areas

Lorah, P., & Southwick, R. (2003). Environmental protection, population change, and economic development in the rural western United States. Population and Environment, 24(3), 255-272.

            Wilderness Area:  Counties in the 13 western states within 50 miles of protected federal land, including wilderness.

McCollum DW, Peterson GL, Arnold JR, Markstrom DC, Hellerstein DM.  1990.  The net economic value of recreation on the National Forests: Twelve types of primary activity trips across nine Forest Service Regions (RM-RP-289).  Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.

            Wilderness Area

McFadden, D. 1994.  Contingent valuation and social choice.   American Journal of Agricultural Economics76(4): 689-708.

            Wilderness Area: Selway Bitterroot (MT)

Moisey, N. and M. Yaun. (1992).  Economic significance and characteristics of select wildland-attracted visitors to Montana.  General technical report SE-US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (USA).  GTR SE-78pp. 181-189.

            Wilderness Area

Pendleton, L., B. Sohngen, R. Mendelsohn, T. Holmes.  1998.  Measuring environmental quality in the southern Appalachian Mountains.  Forest Science 44(4): 603-609.

Wilderness Area:  Southern Nantahala (NC), Linville Gorge (NC, Gee Creek (TN), Pond Mountain (TN), Big Laurel Branch (TN)

Phillips, S. 2000.  Windfalls for wilderness: land protection and land value in the Green Mountains.  In: McCool SF, Cole DN, Borrie WT, O’Loughlin J.  Wilderness science in a time of change conference – Volume 2 (RMRS-P-15-VOL-2).  Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  P258-267.

Wilderness Areas: Big Branch (VT), Breadloaf (VT), Bristol Cliffs (VT), George D. Aiken (VT), Lye Brook (VT), Peru Peak (VT)

Pope, C.A. and J. Jones. 1990. Value of wilderness designation in Utah. Journal of Environmental Management 30:157-174.

            Wilderness AreasMultiple existing and potential wilderness areas

Power TM.  1995.  Soul of the wilderness: wilderness economics must look through the windshield not the rearview mirror.  International Journal of Wilderness 2(1): 5-9.

            Wilderness AreaGeneral

Power, T. M. (1992). The economics of wildland preservation: the view from the local economy. General technical report SE-US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station (USA).  GTR SE-78, pp. 175-179. 

            Wilderness Area

Prince R, Ahmed E.  1988.  Estimating individual recreation benefits under congestion and uncertainty.  Journal of Leisure Research 20(4): 61-76.

            Wilderness Area

Rasker, R. (1993). New Look at Old Vistas: The Economic Role of Environmental Quality in Western Public Lands, A. U. Colo. L. Rev.65, 369.

            Wilderness Area

Richer JR, Christensen NA.  1999.  Appropriate fees for wilderness day use: pricing decisions for recreation on public land.  Journal of Leisure Research 20(4): 61-76.

            Wilderness Area: Desolation (CA)

Rosenberger, R. S., and D. B .K. English. 2005. Impacts of wilderness on local economic development. In The Multiple Values of Wilderness, ed. H. K. Cordell, J. C. Bergstrom, and J. M. Bowker (chapter 10). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc.

            Wilderness Areas: Multiple Western US counties

Rosenberger, R. and J. Loomis. 2000. Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values.  General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-72.  Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Fort Collins, CO.

            Wilderness Areas: Summary of multiple wilderness areas

Rudzitis, G., & Johnson, R. (2000). The impact of wilderness and other wildlands on local economies and regional development trends. In Wilderness Science in a Time of Change Conference (Vol. 2, pp. 23-27).

            Wilderness Area

Sanchez JJ, Baerenklau K, González-Cabán A.  2015.  Valuing hypothetical wildfire impacts with a Kuhn-Tucker model of recreation demand.  Forest Policy and Economics

            Wilderness Area: San Jacinto (CA)

Smith, V.K., R. Kopp.  1980.  The spatial limits of travel cost recreational demand models.  Land Economics 56(1): 64-72.

            Wilderness Area: Ventana Wilderness (CA)

Sorg, C.F., J.B. Loomis.  1984.  Empirical estimates of amenity forest values:  a comparative review.  General Technical Report RM-107, Fort Collins: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 23 p.

            Wilderness Areas: Summary of multiple wilderness areas

Walsh, R.G., and L.O. Gilliam.  1982.  Benefits of wilderness expansion with excess demand for Indian Peaks.  Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 7(1): 1-12.

            Wilderness Area:

Walsh, R.G., J.B. Loomis, R.S. Gillman.  1984. Valuing option, existence and bequest demand for wilderness.  Land Economics 60(2):14‑29. 

            Wilderness Area:

Walsh RG, Peterson GL, McKean JR.  1989.  Distribution and efficiency effects of alternative recreation funding methods.  Journal of Leisure Research 21(4): 327-347.

            Wilderness Area

Walsh, R., D. Johnson, J. McKean. 1992. Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation demand studies: 1968‑1988. Water Resources Research 28(3):707‑713.

            Wilderness Area

Weber MA, Berrens RP.  2006.  Value of instream recreation in the Sonoran Desert.  Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 132(1): 53-60.

            Wilderness Area: Aravaipa Canyon (Arizona)