
Funding History of the Leopold Institute

Since its inception in 1993, the Leopold Institute's funding has been provided by the Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service. Additional recurring funds have come from the BLM and FWS. Below is an overview of Institute funding by year.

Base Funding History

(in thousands of dollars, not corrected for inflation)

FS Research BLM FWS USGS NPS Fire Plan Total
1994 768,000  40,000  808,000 
1995 768,000  50,000  818,000 
1996 834,000  50,000  884,000 
1997 834,000  50,000  14,819  898,819 
1998 834,000  50,000  16,051  900,051 
1999 834,000  50,000  25,000  17,132  926,132 
2000 834,000  50,000  50,000  17,956  951,956 
2001 887,000  60,000  30,000  18,803  500,000  1,495,803 
2002 887,000  60,000  40,000  19,832  407,000  1,413,832 
2003 876,000  75,000  30,000  20,683  373,000  1,374,683 
2004 892,000  60,000  30,000  21,405  347,000  1,350,405 
2005 875,000  60,000  30,000  21,313  347,000  1,333,313 
2006 689,688  232,433  147,128  18,136  769,468  1,856,853 
2007 653,260  59,306  140,834  19,445  407,035  1,279,880 
2008 672,352  52,000  19,445  50,000  420,269  1,214,066 
2009 824,890  21,000  30,000  19,445  17,520  440,110  1,352,965 
2010 824,390  96,000  20,160  105,000  274,683  1,320,233 
2011 813,828  115,000  21,480  130,836  264,000  1,345,144 
2012 926,484  150,000  180,000  21,800  77,200  290,491  1,645,975 
2013 1,064,815  87,000  205,400  37,000  7,710  128,750  1,530,675 
2014 846,712  77,000  230,000  24,396  109,000  179,680  1,466,788 
2015 810,913  75,000  195,000  12,198  175,500  179,680  1,448,291 
2016 1,020,520 136,000 157,500 19,426 176,911 594,580 2,104,937
2017 759,531 86,000 157,500 99,396 169,000 362,595 1,634,022
2018 933,129 86,000 100,000 32,500 211,000 300,000 1,662,629
2019 1,137,781 86,000 270,000 193,800 155,000 1,850,479
Totals 22,101,293 1,750,739 2,311,362 532,821 1,423,477 6,740,341 34,327,211